Sunday, March 16, 2014

AR Table

Come on in...and welcome to my AR table post!

This week I had fun learning about HTML {HyperText Markup Language}!  I've read about html before, and dabbled in it in some of my other LIS courses, but I never coded in html until this week.   So, after listening to my professor's lecture on html, watching a graduate assistant code in html, and visiting W3 Schools online, I was able to gain enough information to create my very first table using html coding. Using html coding, was the coolest thing ever! I was so amazed at how the computer read the code, then created a beautiful table with color...Simply Amazing!

Before I unveil the html table, let's go back a few weeks, where you may remember that I created an AR data visualization pie chart that revealed the percentages of AR points per class in first grade {that's the grade I teach}.

The results were surprising! 
So, today I wanted break down the actual number of AR points per first grade class using a table.

                       PER CLASS! 

Teacher Points Earned
Mrs. Reeder 570.5
Mrs. Keller 498
Mrs. Leger 442.5
Mrs. Miner 331.6
Mrs. Lopez 307.6
Mrs. Berardo 302.7
Overall Number of Points 2452.9

They say that the truth isn't always pretty, and according to this table, you can see that my class has the lowest number of AR points to date. However, as I stated in an earlier post, I will use this data to press on and have my students read twice as much in the 4th quarter. By the way, Read the Most from Coast to Coast, a nationwide effort to get students excited about reading and taking reading practice quizzes, is coming up soon. Hopefully my class will read lots of books, then quiz to earn plenty of AR points. I look forward to blogging about this next time. So, ya'll some back you hear!

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