Thursday, April 24, 2014

National Library Week!

 Come on in...Welcome to my blog post about National Library Week!

As we celebrate National Library Week, I couldn't help but to reminisce about the history of US libraries and Benjamin Franklin. Why Benjamin Franklin, you ask?  Well, did you know that in 1731, it was Benjamin Franklin who opened the very first lending library in Philadelphia, called the Subscription Library. Because of his vision, our modern day libraries provide patrons access to quality literature and unlimited resources. I often wonder if Benjamin Franklin ever realized how his love and thirst for knowledge would leave such a huge impact on our society.

When I was little, my mom took me to our neighborhood library every chance she got. I have such warm memories of reading and checking out books, that I took my own children to the library when they were young. Because of my love for reading and quest to gain information, I enthusiastically support the efforts of our school libraries, community libraries, and librarians; they hold a special place in my heart. Another key advocate for libraries, is the notable Former First Lady Laura Bush, a beloved teacher and librarian. Mrs. Laura Busch once said:

 "Every person deserves to experience the joy of books. A good book is like an unreachable itch-you just can't leave it alone. Stories beckon us to toss aside all cares of the world-work, laundry, even sleep-to read and discover." 

           Look at how we celebrated National Library Week at CCA!

This week, I watched my sweet students become giddy about books (that's right, I said books-not Kindles) during the "What's Inside" activity at our school library media center. Our school librarian carefully wrapped specially chosen books, and asked the students to "take a chance" and pick one of these wrapped books instead of choosing one off the shelf. By their reactions, you would have thought these students were given a surprise trip to Disney! In fact, it was Walt Disney who said, " There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." 

  Unwrapping their surprise book!

Look at those happy faces!

Have you been searching for a great book for the child in your life, but don't know where to start? If so, visit the ALSC (Association for Library Services to Children) site for a recommended list of books.  Another great resource is the ALA (American Library Association) great websites for kids, where you will find fun and engaging language/literature activities for our 21st century learners. Check out those great websites, here.

 This week we also listened to library jokes during morning announcements.  

  Here are a few of the jokes that made us giggle:

What does a mummy do when he gets to the library?
 He gets wrapped up in a good book.  

What building has the most stories?
 A library, of course!
What is a book's favorite food?
 A bookworm!   

As I wrap things up, I invite you to look at my Online Portfolio. It contains examples of my best graduate work thus far, and in honor of National Library Week, it includes a very short paper that I wrote about the Impact of Social Libraries on US History {Benjamin Franklin and the Subscription Library}, a US History Library Timeline, and a paper that emphasizes the importance of a School Media Specialist, among many other projects. I hope you enjoy browsing through some of my best work.

Well, this is my last official blog post for my Masters class at USF, however I sincerely hope to keep this blog going for a very long time. Before you leave, please read the following quote; I believe it sums up National Library Week!

" A library outranks any other one thing a community can do to benefit it's people. It is a never failing spring in the desert."  Andrew Carnegie

Well, between now and next time....Ya'll come back you hear!

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